Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Raya dinner

last night i went to hari raya dinner with civil dept.

I have no complains on this event, except that there's simply too little food last night! Its just not worth the rm25 we have to pay. Id rather go to muven peak and go eat all i want. lucky i didnt fast that day or i'll be hungry the whole event!

Otherwise the event was a success,i must say. The not so nice part is,wen our batch's farewell video was played.not that its a sad moment for us, but the picture of me that they used.damn im hairy at the time.long haired and bearded, with moustache. Goddamnit, at least ask me for photos! Dont just take it from my fs for goodness sake! *sigh* Whatever.everybody laughed at it.nvm,ill just take it as a compliment,though.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

moi fyp (read: my miserable fyp)

Waiting at the offshore lab waiting for my labmate to bring a few important stuffs for my fyp (final year project).ims stuck here, my project stalled and i havent seen my sv for ages,the last time being him trashing my supposedly dissertation a.k.a final report.i dont mind,sir as long as you passed me in my wrecking project.

I know whining wont solve anything, but as far as im concerned,my fyp sucks.who cares about the pipelines lying in the ocean anyway?certainly not use ranting about this and that about my project.ive taken it,so i must be responsible for it.

Lets hope i can finish this miserable project a.s.a.p.its already killing me.

mellow? effect of melon? ugh

never whisper words of love if the feeling is not true and never say i LOVE u when you really mean goodbye..never use your charm if you mean to break a heart and never look into the eyes if you will only lie!!

darn ive been mellow lately. reez dude! help me!

eh uve been mellow too. musim mengawan ke nih.

Monday, October 20, 2008

bye bye

bye bye arigato sayonara

ive been good. and ive been bad.
uve been good. and bad.

but i never regret a thing. enjoy yr life.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bedul anak mak

Tidak dpt dinafikan bhw abdul adalah seorang anak mak.beliau dibesarkan dlm suasana kekeluargaan yg erat.pencapaian akademik beliau juga amat membanggakan.

Namun segalanya berubah ketika melangkah kaki ke universiti.beliau bkn lg seperti dahulu.tiada lg ms utk membuat panggilan telefon kepada ibunya.pulang ke rumah pun jarang2 sekali.jika bercuti, seboleh-bolehnya dia mahu tinggal di kolej kediaman.

kenapa ini berlaku?pdhal rumah beliau amat bes.hari2 mak beliau masak ayam goreng kegemaran beliau.sekali sekala merasa makan nasik beriyani.mungkin kebosanan duduk di rumah sepanjang hari.kalau di universiti boleh lah panjangkan kaki ke pusat bandar.xpon koman2 ke air terjun,pntai ataupn pusat2 perkelahan terdekat.

Bole juga berdeting dgn si dia hari2.itulah besnye mempunyai buah hati yg belaja sama2.

Suatu hari abdul merasakan kepentingan pulang ke rumah ibunya.dgn insaf dia pulang segera tnpa memberitahu ibunya akan niat murni beliau dgn hrpn dpt mmberi kejutan kepada kedua ibu bapanya.

Berbekalkan mp3 yg dipasang lagu berjudul Balik Kampung dendangan  allahyarham sudirman,beliau menaiki bas pulang ke kampungnya di Sungai Petani, Kedah.lagu tersebut tidak bukan untuk meniup semangat membara utk pulang ke kampung,sungguhpun ketika itu bukanlah hari raya.

Sesampainya di laman rumah,bedul terus berlari2 anak ke daun pintu.

"tok tok tok!" pintu diketuk tidak berjawab.

"tok tok tok! semekum!" ulang bedul lg.

berkali2 diulang perbuatan itu.namun hampa.

Adakah keluarganya telah berpindah?adakah beliau ditinggalkan sendiri?adakah berlaku musibah terhadap keluarganya?

Air mata ditahan,namun kelamaan menitis jua.jirannya, ali muncul tiba2 utk menenangkan beliau.

"sudahla bedol.yang dah p tu xyah dikenangkan lagi"

Semakin tebal penyesalan di hati bedul.semakin berjurai air matanya.

"mak abah adik hang p pekan.awat hang teriak ni?"

kawan kah kita? (kisah abdul dan ali)

Apa beza kawan, geng, member? Ada beza? xde beza.cuma kadang2 diorg bleh jadi bes.kadang2 xbes.kdg2 diorg carik kita.kdg2 kita carik diorg.kdg2 senang mtk pjm duit.kdg2 payah gak.

Ada plak jenis kwn yg xmcm kwn.bkn maksud sy kawan makan kawan yg kurang dikenali.kdg2 kawan atas kawan.bkn la pulak maksud sy kawan menunggang kawan ke kelas, tp kwn yg dikenali melalui kwn2.

Mereka yang boleh dikategorikan dlm golongan ini termasuklah mereka yg kita xtego lsg kalau beselisih.ataupon cuma senyum2 malu sbb lupa nama.kadang2 senyum kambing.konon nk xingat nama.kan lg bek bg salam.dpt pahala.

Selalu spesis kwn mcm ni boleh didapati semasa melawat bilik member.kwn2 diorg akan turut sm melawat,jd pertukaran idea dan buah fikiran pn berlaku wpon kurg mengenali antara satu sama lain.dan apabila pulang,tidak pula berusaha utk menghubungi rakan2 tersebut.maka secara automatis,mereka menjadi kwn yg xmcm kwn.

Suatu hari ketika berjalan pulang dr menikmati hidangan tghr di cafe,abdul terserempak dgn ali, seorg kwn yg xmcm kwn.lalu dgn berani,beliau mengambil keputusan utk menyapa beliau.

50m.masih zon selamat.bedul masih boleh berpura2 tetinggal sesuatu dan mengambil jln yang lain utk mengelak drpd bertembung dgn ali.namun beliau tidak berputus asa.nekadnya hanya ingin menegur ali, sungguhpun dia xdpt mengingati nama beliau.




"oit!dr mn?"


Sumpah seranah bermaharajalela di hati abdul kerana sapaannya langsung tidak dibalas oleh ali.

Namun ali sedikit tidak rasa bersalah, kerana mungkin abdul menyapa org di belakang beliau, lantas beliau tidak mahu menanggung risiko malu buntut kerana perasan.

Sekian kisah sedih seorang abdul yg dilupakan kawan x mcm kawan.

utp network n me =)

Who am I in utp?im no just a final year student waiting for a few more weeks to finish my studies and go out into the working I just going to be just another undergraduate from utp?does my existence here gives no impact to others?

Well,I guess so.

As for now I want to talk about network in I qualified to talk about it?lets see who am I really.

Currently im the maintainer and owner of v5 dc++ hub.I am also the fifth admin and the second root admin of kampung5.I prepared and maintained the k5 imagehosting,which is used extensively by cameraphiles in utp.I am also the owner of the temp irc network,when isn't available.

Still not enough?I provide fedora and ubuntu software repository for member of UTPOSSA,but not anymore since im busy with everything else.

Ok.done with that.that is my history.kinda boring isn't it?im going to graduate anyway.

Im not going to blabber much about myself.I want to talk about OUR network.yes u heard me.OUR very own utp network.

I've been here since first encounter of student network services is with used to be one single server connecting users throughout v1-v4 (v5 doesn't even exist that time,n v1 n v2 only got internet access in late 2004).user counts averaging 1000+ users at any time given.

my first favourite mirc channel?its gotta be #bingseng.what is #bingseng?if utpchat is a breathing animal,bingseng is its heart.bingseng is among the first channel that promotes the usage of utp network as a sharing medium.its main attraction?mp3 files.some of us might still remembr @find bla3,dir,ls,/ctcp bla3 and many more mirc commands to grab files from fservs.

That was a long long time ago.from this filesharing activities,people learn to socialize and form interest groups in private channels.prominent examples are #helloproject,#linux,#unipet etc.

And then,there's GV.

What is GV?GrapeVine.utp forum.much like our current k5.but with stricter mods+hardcore writers who love to flame one another.and can be accessed throughout utp.there,I only love reading.I don't post much,partly because of the fear of being ridiculed by mods n other regular writers over there.

Students living in that era will remember the otais back then.effi,snubby,genjo,mangifera,yayi n a few others.

I wasn't popular in both services.just because im still young at that time compared to seasoned seniors.and im not interested in this happy as long as I can get my latest mp3s and vclips.

And then something happened.utp network was sliced into pieces.each village with their own ip schemes introduced.they used to be we r separated.the first service to suffer was grapevine.n then mirc.

The server was located in v3/v4 but most of the regular GV writers live in v5.and during the early separation process,mirc network only limited to each village.n then there was novell u still remember your novell login id?

I still do.

So what happened after that?the opers tried to restore connectivity between villages by connecting village servers to one another by using proxies.but situation changed rapidly.most juniors never bothered about mirc n gv.year fter year,it becomes worsened.then there came kampung5.originally intended as temporary gv replacement,k5 popularity grows as it gained attention from ex gv users in v5.most of gv users are disappointed with the move of gv to outside server.the slow page loading of gv makes k5 a superior choice bcos of its location in V5.

And then there is this server called dc++.started by ahca@helloproject,I was one of the experimental team for the dchub server.more or less,the popularity of dc++ hub grows each day as it follows the web2.0 definition.what is web2.0?traditional internet are passive internet whereby users login, get something and then logout.web2.0 extends more than lets users participate,contribute,share and do much more with the internet.

This is what dc++ is for.participation from the users,compared to trditional filesharing under mIRC,makes dc++ a better choice for filesharers.

Although the importance of mirc decreases day by day,the legacy still continues.we can say that less than 300 active users of mirc still exists but its presence is still needed,as long as the people are there

I still hope that despite the tremendous pressure from network condition of utp,itms and the users themselves, that 10 years from now,I still can see and dc++ is still here in utp,and I can say proudly that im part of it long ago.

So what does the future has to offer to the new generation of utp students?the answer really lies in the hands of the students themselves.they can choose to support the communication method as it is right now or dump it for something new and fresh.I just don't want to see the so-called modern messengers like gtalk/ym/msn replace the functionality of mirc networks.yes,indeed mirc has been around in decades,but its not outdated at all.I hope that all the juniors would understand this and start to embrace the mirc once again and bring back the golden era of utp network.