Thursday, July 30, 2009

selsema BABI


Dear Staff,

As of Wednesday 29 July 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported a total of 1266 H1N1 positive cases with 4 fatalities (574 import and 692 local). Who has also reported a total of 169753 cases of H1N1 and 1125 fatalities among the 159 countries affected.

In UTP, we have started to screen and isolate students who are showing symptoms of Influenza-Liked Illnesses (ILI). Under the advise of Dr Saadah from UTP Health clinics, we have placed 73 students (52 males and 21 females) under quarantined in Duyong (old V5-males) and Village 2 (females). They continue to be observed and receive medical treatment from UTP Health Clinic Officers. Some of the students have recovered and released from being quarantined but continue to receive high number of new cases.

We have taken and sent 5 throat swab samples of the students with serious conditions for further analysis by the Health authorities and waiting for the results sometime soon. We will continue to monitor the situations and work closely with UTP Health clinic and District Medical Office (Perak Tengah). We will assist in providing facilities and support in Duyong (80 beds), V2C (64 beds) and house (16 beds).

Personnel from various departments (Residential College, HSE, SSS, security, administration and others) have provided full commitment in supporting the need of the students. We will also require volunteers to further assist us in providing support for the students who had to be quarantined.

Please continue to observe the need to monitors your health and maintain a good personal hygiene. Practice social distancing and avoid going to crowded public places to avoid possible spread of the virus.

If you develop the symptoms of ILI (high fever, sore throats, body ache and difficulty breathing), please seek immediate medical attention and follow the advise of the attending doctor. Wear the facemask to avoid further spread of the virus and impose a self quarantine if required.

Mohd Noh Karsiti
Chairman H1N1 Taskforce.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i want to make it!!insyaallah :)

Ada perisa keladi. Ada warna kuning keemasa dan juga hijau

Berwarna ceria dan ala jelly muka buminya

Berinti kaya berwarna pink dan lembut

Telur putih menjadi bahan utama

Ala-ala donut malaysia. Main Ingredients: keledek

Inti kelapa atau kacang hijau ataupun mungkin juga serunding. Berbentuk bulat. Jarang sekali ditemui bentuk lonjong, tapi tetap wujud.

Biasa dipanggil kuih untuk orang xde gigi.

Inti kelapa yang digaul gula melaka. Di gulung2 ala popia

Di salut tepung beras. Wujud dalam analogi. Cth Ayat : "Popuan tu pakai bedak dh cam _______ dh aku tengok"

Ada kale hijau. Ade kale kuning. Ada ada inti, ada juga yang kosong.

Origin : Kelantan. Bahan utama : Telur

Common digabungkan 4 unsur kejadian. Tepung, pulut kaler merah, gula melaka dan kepala santan yg agak pekat(optional). Rasa seperti bubur sumsum

Ada gula di lapisan bawah. Dibungkus daun pisang. Kalau ada jagung, dipanggil Kuih Talam.

Tahan lama. Disira dalam air gula. Antara bahan : kuning telur
Kadang-kadang bole ada bijan. Kadang-kadang xde bijan.

Bole dibentuk mengikut acuan. Atau di potong bersegi. Common kaler coklat atau bole diwarna warnikan

Perisa keladi kaler purple. Perisa ubi kaler kuning. Biasanya lapisan hijau sekaya dan lapisan putih nipis di buat dari pulut atau tepung.

kaler common Hijau tp bukan Incredible Hulk. Bole juga diwarnakan dengan apa2 kaler...

Terlalu banyak nama. Antara nama panggilannya 'kekoh kekoh cha'. Gula Melaka di dalam

Tekap guna acuan. Lembut dan ringan. Kelapa kat atas. Wujud juga dengan kale pink atau kuning mengikut perwarna. Common hijau lah.

Juga dikenali kuih telinga keling. Manis sgt

Ringan.Sedap cicah air teh.

Pulut. Di gaul ngan kelapa dan dimakan bersama gula Melaka.


rasa macam nak goreng masak merah jer die ni...goreng pon sodap :D

p/s: sori spam di blog kamu :P

Thursday, July 23, 2009

oh ya

maafkan sikapku semlm.

sori. tak sepatutnya bersikap begitu.
janji takkan ulangi lagi.


antara berani dan kurang ajar. antara pengajaran dan mengajar.


rempit. kl drift. lenjan. bohsia. budak kelantan.

itu nama filem2 baru kat malaysia. nampak trend nya?

ter baru? ANU DALAM BOTOL.


wtf semua nak jadi gay hari ni?

dah jadi trend ke nk buat filem, amik problem sosial jadik tema?

- masyarakat lebih terbuka
- menyedarkan orang ramai
- tidak bersifat denial terhadap masalah sosial

bullshit. tu semua nak untung saja tu. sapa yang tak suka tgk diana danielle pakai skirt terselak? tgk lurah raja farah yg slurp2? tgk 2-3 ekor lelaki kenduri sorang pempuan?

pengajaran taik kucing engkau.

berapa ekor mat rempit insaf lepas tgk cite remipt? baper ekor bohsia nk bertaubat lepas tgk bohsia? brapa org pusher yg insaf lepas tgk filem gangster, castello?

kalau nak sedarkan sangat, tunjuk adegan rempit tu 2-3 saat dah la. lagi 3-4 jam tu tunjuk eksiden pecah kepala patah tengkuk putus anu. baru diorang nak sedar.

kalau nak sedarkan pusher, tunjuk bab kena tangkap sampai tengkuk patah kena tali gantung. baru berkesan.

kalau nak sedarkan bohsia, tunjuk ex-bohsia yang tgh kurus kering tunggu masa nak mampus kena AIDS.

ini tidak, tunjuk bab2 seronok saja.

nak lagi best? tunjuk seksa kubo. biar derang tau seksa nnt lam kubo.

babak yg tu cepat2 lak Lembaga Penapisan Filem nak sensor. memberi impak negatif kepada kanak2 konon. pigida. br kena tekan sket dgn pengarah2 lancau dah terkincit. as an authority, you must know your responsibility and work. Jgn biarkan orang lain pengaruhi kerja kita pulak.

tak tahulah. ketahuilah wahai orang2 tua skrg. zmn remaja adalah zaman bodoh. ya aku mengaku aku pernah bodoh. apa yg ditengok, semua nak dibuat. aku pun remaja lagi. tapi dah lewat remaja la hahaha. jangan la g sodok diorang dengan filem2 picisan dengan alasan nak bagi pengajaran tapi sebaliknya mengajar pulak diorang buat kurang ajar.

filem-filem macam ni bukan berani. tapi filem kurang ajar.

chow, post pedas dari aku. babai.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

are we friend?

are u good enough to call someone as ur best friend?

are u good enough to be his/her best friend?

better just be friends cause we're both not good enough for each other


Sunday, July 19, 2009

rant no001: no fun anymore

i'm depressed. yes i am. no matter how i'm trying to hide it, i still feel empty. on weekends, i sleep the whole day. on weekdays, i work till 6p.m. and at night, i spend my time browsing through the empty space of internet about things that is never going to affect me at all. then i sleep.

where's the weekends i used to have while i was in college? or the weekends i had during my intern? lepaking with friends and people of many sorts. i must admit that right now my social skill is nearly paralysed. living with parents isn't helping at all. it just doesn't feel right to go mamak and watch football, go back home at 2am while my parents are sleeping.

everybody's busy. so do i. but i think i'm being unfair to myself. it's all work and no fun now. i'm really messed up right now. to quit my job means that i'm giving up hope on my life.i don't want to talk about it with anyone. not even to closest people in my life.

ah just forget it. my life sucks. why ramble about it anyway? adios

random thoughts 001

today i watched transformers 2. not in the cinema btw and i confess that i slept halfway into the story. then i woke up 10 minutes before it ends and wtf the robots fought each other till the end of the dvd. no wonder i fell asleep then, 2 hours of continuous screeching metals and screaming tires wtf. and megan fox's hotness can't redeem the worth of this movie. yea i know partly because of he clubbed thumbs wtf that is a major turn-off for me.

well clubbed thumbs or not, if you google hard enough, you can find pictures of her wearing only nip-guard. wtf ONLY NIP GUARD. no pictures here I'm trying not to be a pervert lol.

just forget about my previous post. i rarely post in anger. when i do, i realy mean it. and the 'this is my rant' warning is just to warn you readers that i need to release my anger to my blog, not YOU. if you find my post depressing and offensive, go and read something else at your pleasure. that post wasn't meant for you anyway.

on contrast, i am happy today. no worries whatsoever. and my work went on smoothly. i don't really care anymore as i think i need to value experience more than anything else. if there's any other offer, i will go. no need giving myself a big headache thinking about something I can't control.

since tomorrow is weekend i want to have a nice relaxing break at home.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

a rant post

be warned that this is a rant post.









i warned you enough... so...


not just the regular 'i hate my job because its boring' or other lame 'hate my 9 to 5 job' rants you see in typical stupid blogs that don't know how to differentiate between 'responsibility' and 'work'.

It's just that I REALLY HATE MY JOB.

oh noes. i don't hate my job.


just terminate me, idiot. i won't lose my fucking life just because im terminated from your stupid company.

Bumiputra Kelas-A kontraktor my ass
satu kulim kenal my ass
wants to be like ahmad zhaki and IJM my ass


there are reasons why so many people quits from your company, idiot. and one most profound reason is YOU.

now you can talk cock in front of us. someday someone will bash your lazy ass without mercy.

and it's your fault your company got terminated from the project. IN YOUR FACE, SCUM!

wait till my contract is over. i will bash your stupidity here. and i will tell the readers of my blog what knd of company you own.



enough ranting. -back to job hunting-

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Browser-centric OS

As the title suggests, does browser centric OS be the future of computing? This piece was written because of this announcement:

their promises:
- Free lightweight OS for netbooks
- browser as the main application
- user-centric UI (speed and simplicity)
- better security
- compatibility across systems (x86, mac, arm etc)
- lightning fast startups

most of it have been on my mind for ages. for instance, fast startups. why should we wait (or rather, 'waste') 15-30 seconds of our life waiting for bootup, just to check our email? cant we just push the power button and instantly read our email? drivers can load later imho.

to take browser into the heart of an OS is not a new idea. remember netscape and its similar idea? a decade ago? even MS tried to integrate IE into windows, but they faced antitrust charges (remember ActiveDesktop?). Google's idea is nothing new of sort, but with more widespread broadband access across the world, it's now viable and usable, when compared to ancient ages of dial-up during the netscape time.

and security promises, we certainly hope that Chrome OScan live up to its expectation. we certainly know the limitation on how an OS can secure its users (well, most of the users don't. lol!). majority of security compromise can be avoided if the users use a bit of thinking when they want to submit their private informations online. so let's see how Chrome can beat OpenBSD in terms of security (they might as well use OpenBSD kernel instead of Linux =b)

only less than 24 hours from the announcement and people are already speculating. let's hope that this will be another milestone product from google.

well, here's a gift for you, another windows-bashing comic. enjoy =D

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

get well soon sis!

to kakak,

sorry to hear the bad news. we certainly hope that you will get well real soon. don't worry too much because our prayers are with you and we hope your dengue fever is not serious.

nyamuk jahat!

mama, ayah and adik2 certainly missed your presence and are looking forward to your arrival this coming august, my dear sis. so promise me you will get well soon ok?

he he, she's one great adik whom i called kakak since kecik lol. imagine when we both talk to each other, 'kakak' and 'abang' huhuhu.

ps - bila boleh buat surat MC nih? tak larat nak beli dari klinik lah. mahal mintak hang buat free ar nnt. kira setel utang =D

from your beloved abang

Sunday, July 5, 2009

celcom totally suck this week

i used to connect to the internet using my PDAphone as a modem. however, this phone will become scorching hot and its battery life is getting worse every day.

so i decided, its time to buy a dedicated 3g modem. and its kinda cheap right now, just over rm150, compared to rm399 months ago.

so i bought one last week, and happily plugged it in my PC. speed was good, at least comparable to my PDAphone, until last friday.

see for yourself:

wtf HSDPA with this kind of speed? not even 5KBps!
dear celcom. if you want to sell this kind of service, dont name it celcom broadband. name it celcom dialup or anything other than broadband/3G/HSDPA.
and this is not my 3g modem's fault as i tested my subscription with my PDAphone and it's just the same (<5kbps)
dont make me switch to winet or other providers. once i switch, i will never go back. and i will make sure everyone around me knows how bad your service is.